
By phannphong, 21 February, 2019

Drush is a supporting tool, which is important for any Drupal developers. It helps executing a task with many steps simpler through one command. It's also really helpful in deployment process through integrating it in script.

I will share some basic Drush commands that I usually use:

1. Clear cache / Cache rebuild.

For Drupal 7

drush cc all

For Drupal 8/9

drush cr

2. Delete all tables in the database (available on Drupal 7/8/9).

By phannphong, 17 March, 2019

I will guide you to install Drupal Console with global access permission on your personal computer in 4 steps.

The steps to install Drupal Console is similar to the steps to install Drush 8:

Step 1: Download the latest version of drupal.phar

curl https://drupalconsole.com/installer -L -o drupal.phar

Step 2: Check by running this command line:

php drupal.phar

If everything is fine, you can see the message like the below image: